Element of design

Elements of design are such components which are used by a designer to show his /her desirable message. These elements of design give a designer full freedom to act in his own way. The elements of design are –
  1.          point
  2.          line
  3.          shape
  4.          colour
  5.          texture
  6.          value

1. Point :
The first element of design is a point, everything starts with a point and ends with it .A point or dot can convey different messages when we use it in different ways. If one wants to look thicker he/she has to wear a dress which has bigger size of dots on it and vice –versa.

2.Line :
Line is spontaneous mode of expression.In other way it can show strength, weakness confidence, movement, elegance, calmness, richness, violence and other emotions by the use of different types of lines.

3. Shape :
Shape is a figure which is made by joining different types of lines in different ways. Different types of shapes provide various types of effect on a dress and the person who is wearing it.

4. Colour :
Colour is the most important element of design of life and garment .a colour can make your day or break it .the three main characteristics by which we can study colour is –
  • Hue
  • Value
  •  Intensity

a. Hue :
Hue is that element of colour which distinguishes it from other colour it’s the main colour.

b. Value :
Value depicts the lightness or darkness of a colour .lighter colours has higher value than the darker colour. White has largest value .black has lowest value.

c. Intensity :
Intensity/ chrome signify the brightness or dullness of a colour .darker colour make you look thinner and vice –versa.

Colours look different in day light and in artificial light .so designer have to very careful while using colours it is very important to choose a colour which should suit the figure type, skin type, hair colour, that one possess.   

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