Color harmonies and Schemes

Color schemes are guidelines for choosing groups of colors that will harmonize forming combinations that are pleasing to eye. Formal color schemes are based on combinations of colors from the color wheel selecting according to various rules.

There are three types of formal schemes-

Simple harmony Schemes
Contrasting color schemes
Balanced color Harmony schemes

Simple Harmony Schemes

Simple color harmony schemes are those colors that are close in a color wheel and are on the same level. The best example for these are neutrals which are of different hues but have same saturation level. These schemes are generally considered as safe and predictable and many painters use this type of color schemes and are referred as tonality.
In this type of scheme there are other components also like monochromatic color schemes, analogous color schemes and achromatic schemes.

Contrasting color harmonies

The contrasting color schemes have greater chances of clashing and more care has to be given to ensure the combinations and harmonies. It also constitutes cold warm color schemes, split complementary, double complementary and complementary dyad schemes.

Balanced color harmony schemes

Balanced color harmony schemes are based on colors equidistant on the color wheel which harmonize like equidistant notes in a musical chord. It also constitutes triad schemes and tetrad schemes.

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