Color Types

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There are three types of color types which are warm colors, cool colors and neutrals. These different types of color type convey a special type of meaning and convey a different type of message about the personality of the person who is wearing the garment of that color.
 Let’s discuss each of this type in detail.

Warm Colors

The colors which are associated with the feeling of sun and fire are known as warm colors .The example of warm colors are red, orange and yellow. This color signifies aggressiveness and liveliness .Red is the color of love and romance and is also associated with danger. Yellow is the color of sunlight and signifies brightness, cheerfulness, happiness and optimism
The warm hues are known as the advancing hues, as they create an illusion of forward movement and make the objects appear larger and closer than the other colors, therefore they emphasis the body shape of the wearer. It provides warmness to the viewer’s eyes.

Cool Colors

Colors of the sea and the sky are the cool colors. The Examples of warm colors are blue, green and purple. Since blue is a restful color and navy blue and navy blue has become classics in the wardrobe. Green is the color of nature and peace; it gives soothing effect to eyes and relaxation to mind and body.

The color associated with royalty is purple and therefore is associated with wealth and dignity .The cool hues have a receding effect that’s why it make the objects appear smaller and farther away as compared to the objects in warmer hues . Therefore they have a minimizing effect on body.


The neutrals are a part of every single fashion season. They complement other colors and are therefore always popular. Some examples of neutral colors are white, black, beige, tan, brown and gray.

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