Composition in colors

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Colors bring a new dimension to a drawing. Color s is used as a powerful tool for conveying information, expressing ideas, moods, and emotions and as a way for unifying and enhancing the overall design. Colors add an extra level of interest and complexity to the design.

 The process of putting color combinations in a color drawing must become complex sometimes because there are many combinations to choose from. In this situations instincts, preference and taste will determine the final choice.

Many designers and artists make decisions according to their instants. Even though the design-decision process at some point becomes intuitive, however, there will be times when a drawing has not turned out as hoped for but it is difficult to pin point exactly where the problem lies.

When this type of problem rises we need to carefully examine the principles of design and color combinations. Although in many situations numerous outcomes are equally possible, it almost always turns out to be the case when making color and compositional decisions the more informed the decision making and the greater the understanding of the principles of the design and properties and behavior of colors, then the better will be the final results.    

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